Election 2010, the end?

12 05 2010

Six days ago was my last day at Uni for the year but that’s not why I woke up a little excited (I’m not referring to my morning wood). It was time to do my democratic duty. A hop, skip and a jump to my polling station and I was amazed to find I was the only voter there.

One week later and there is, what looks like a very poor Pet Shop Boys tribute band having a love-in in the garden of Downing Street. We have a new prime minister and, for the first time in 13 years, a new party in power. Yet Cameron has to play nice with Clegg to live in number 10.

Though I never wanted a Tory PM at least we have the Libs in there to keep things from going a bit too Eton. A lot of Lib Dem voters are a bit dismayed at their party siding with the dark side but I think Clegg has played a blinder and giving his lot their first taste of power for 90 odd years. When, on Monday, he opened formal talks with the Labour Party he did his duty to the country by looking at every option and probably managed to squeeze more out of the Tories. Some silly woman rang Jeremy Vine to complain that this shouldn’t be allowed to happen and the Conservatives should be in power. SHUT IT WOMAN, we were witnessing the wonders of democracy being performed as they were meant to be.

Uncle Gordon had handed in his cards by this stage and probably earned more respect by that gesture than anything he’d done in the last three years. Jeremy Vine had to entertain the idiot classes again with this one. “We’ll get another  Prime Minister we didn’t vote for” I was tempted  to calling and inform the snot brained fools that in this country you don’t vote for the PM  you want, you vote for the party you want to run the country and whoever their leader runs the shop, OK?

Brown’s stepping down kicks off the race to see who takes over to lead the opposition, David Miliband has already stated he fancies his chances and I hope he gets it. Also being talked about are Alan Johnson, Ed Balls, Harriet Harman and Yvette cooper. Oooohhh don’t forget Ed Miliband, that would be fun to watch, him and David fighting it out: “Yeah well you used to piss in my bathwater.”

It’s all being so much fun I think we should have another election next week.



2 responses

13 05 2010

Clegg stopping things going a bit too Eton? Good luck, he’s as much a toffy nosed twit, rich kid from ‘public school’ as Cameron.

13 05 2010

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